A Plunge into Community Engaged Zen Practice Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community is offering a unique program of practice, study, and engagement for those wanting to heal their own neighborhoods and local communities. Our Infinite Circle training program in Community Engaged Buddhism brings the history and practices of Socially Engaged Buddhism back to our own […]
On Wednesday November 2, 5:30 - 6:30pm Peggy Kendo Murray will give the dharma talk. You can email Petra for the zoom link. Peg has cultivated a spiritual friendship with Joshin sensei for more than 10 years and he has recognized her as a senior practitioner and Dharma Holder (hoshi) at BLMZC where she has […]
On Wednesday November 9 we will introduce our Adopt a Peacemaker Quilt project with Kathryn Schloff and Joshin Byrnes. The dharma talk starts at 5:30pm Eastern Time. You can join in-person when fully vaccinated and symptom free. Or you can join online. Email Petra for the zoom link Kathryn Schloff was born in 1950 in […]
Ease and Joy is a quiet morning designed to introduce you to the art of zazen, which is the word we use for Zen meditation. It is an ideal entryway for beginners, intermediate or long-time meditators who want a refresher course on this “dharma gate of joy and ease” as described by Zen Master, Dogen-Zenji. […]
Buddha’s Enlightenment With Joshin Byrnes Rohatsu is Japanese for "eighth day of the twelfth month." December 8 has come to be the day Japanese Zen Buddhists observe the enlightenment of the historical Buddha. Rohatsu is a powerful gathering of practitioners and friends who are dedicated to realizing the way.