On Wednesday November 10, Dr. Stephanie Kaza will give a dharma talk at Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Center. We'll start at 5:30 pm with 15 minutes of zazen before the dharma talks starts. Dr. Stephanie Kaza Stephanie Kaza is professor emerita of environmental studies, University of Vermont, and Soto Zen practitioner. Her books include Green […]
Join our A Supreme Meal Gate of Sweet Nectar Ceremony for Thanksgiving on Wednesday November 24, 5:30pm Eastern Time. Same zoom link as our meditations and dharma talks.
Join Joshin Byrnes for the 2021 Annual Rohatsu Street Retreat Start Friday December 1, 2pm End Friday December 8, 10am "What's the deal here?" We plunge into life on the streets and sit within this question. When we beg for money, look for places to get food, a place to sleep, shelter, public bathrooms, when we […]