Wednesday April 21, Pir Netanel Miles-Yépez will give a dharma talk at Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Center. The dharma talk starts at 5:30pm and you can join it by Zoom. Pir Netanel Miles-Yépez is the current head of the Inayati-Maimuni Order of Sufism. An artist, writer, philosopher, and scholar of comparative religion, Pir Netanel first studied […]
Wednesday April 28, Rev. Dr. Monica San ford will give a dharma talk at Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Center. The dharma talk starts at 5:30pm and you can join it by Zoom. Rev. Dr. Monica Sanford began studying Buddhism on her own from her home state of Nebraska in 2002. She was inspired by books […]
A 30-Day Online Collaborative Community Practice Intensive on Spiritual Friendship May 1 - May 28, 2021 Via Zoom Ando Jaune Evans, Heart of Compassion Sangha in Point Reyes, California Joshin Brian Byrnes, Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community in the Green Mountains of Vermont “Once the Buddha’s disciple Ananda asked him about friendship. Ananda knew […]