
You Can’t Fall Off The Path – August 2020

All your paths are superintended, you have always been on the Path. You can’t fall off it. Everything is conspiring to lead you home to experience your true nature. Everything you are doing now, including all the mess-ups and screw-ups and mistakes are exactly the right thing for you to learn what you need to […]

Teaching on Bowing by Genzan Quennell

Why are we bowing? Genzan Quennell Sensei will tell us more about the meaning of bowing in Zen. On Monday August 17 Sensei Genzan Quennell will teach us more about bowing. The teaching will be on zoom and starts at 7:00pm Eastern Time and will take 1.5 hours Dogen Zenji once said: “As long as there […]

Street Retreat Boston – September 2020

"When we bear witness to life on the streets, we're offering ourselves.  Not blankets, not food, not clothes, just ourselves." Practicing in the spirit of these words from Bernie Glassman on a Street Retreat is a unique opportunity to experience the energy of the oneness of life. We go to the streets to let […]

Zen Circle – October 2020

On Wednesday evening during our meditation time, we'll have Zen Circle time - which will be a simple online way to express some of what we might be stirring in you as you make your way through this pandemic. We'll gather online at 5:30 for a few minutes of silence together, and then open it […]

Street Retreat Montgomery – November 2020

"When we bear witness to life on the streets, we're offering ourselves.  Not blankets, not food, not clothes, just ourselves." Practicing in the spirit of these words from Bernie Glassman on a Street Retreat is a unique opportunity to experience the energy of the oneness of life. We go to the streets to let […]

Rohatsu – December 2020

Buddha’s Enlightenment With Joshin Byrnes Rohatsu is Japanese for "eighth day of the twelfth month." December 8 has come to be the day Japanese Zen Buddhists observe the enlightenment of the historical Buddha. Rohatsu is a powerful gathering of practitioners and friends who are dedicated to realizing the way. The suggested donation is $ 150.

Anti-Racism Study and Practice Group

BLMZC Anti-Racism Study and Practice Group Facilitated by Jissan Michelle Nicolle, PhD, BCC **Limited to 20 people.  Start December 15 6 Tuesday afternoons 3:30 - 5:00pm Eastern Time Zoom Book: Inner Work of Racial Justice: Healing Ourselves and Transforming Our Communities through Mindfulness by Rhonda Magee Novice priest Jissan Michelle Nicolle is offering a study and […]

Dharma Talk with Ayo Yetunde, Jissan Nicolle and Zenryū Hubbeling

Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community 48 Merchants Row, Middlebury, VT, United States

On January 20, 5:30 – 6:30pm Pamela Ayo Yetunde, Michelle Jissan Nicolle, and Petra Zenryū Hubbeling will be in conversation about the book Black and Buddhist. PAMELA AYO YETUNDE, J.D., Th.D. is a Community Dharma Leader in the Insight Meditation tradition. She teaches pastoral care and counseling and has taught at University of the West, […]