Instruction in Zen Chanting – February 2018
Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community 48 Merchants Row, Middlebury, VT, United StatesLearn the basics of Zen-style meditation and how to extend its stillness into everyday life. The workshop includes instruction on Zen forms and informal discussions on Buddhist thought. The schedule includes short periods of seated meditation, walking meditation, discussion, and a vegetarian buffet lunch. Recommended donation, $20. But no one will be turned away. Schedule: 7:30 […]
Dogen, the Precepts, and the Wild Fox
Saturday June 23, 9:00am - 12:30pm Dogen, the Precepts, and the Wild Fox A Dharma Discussion with Kyodo Sinclair Are we fundamentally good or fundamentally flawed? Kyodo, a Zen novice priest, buddhist chaplain, long term student of Dogen, and good friend of Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community, will explore this question as part of our […]
Canceled Transmission of the Lamp: The Light of Lineage and Practice (cancelled)
Lineage is a central theme in Zen Buddhist practice. Why is this so? We will explore this question as well as ask, What is lineage? Why does it matter? Who defines it? And how? Touching into this deep tradition as a way of exploring our own journey of awakening, we will create lineage charts of […]
Canceled Practicing with the Zen Ox Herding Pictures (cancelled)
Ten Ox Herding Pictures Since 12th-century Chinese master Guo-an Shi-yuan created them, the famed Ten Ox-Herding Pictures have mapped the path for Zen practitioners. They have inspired countless commentaries and new renderings by ancient and contemporary lay people, Zen masters, and artists. The ox is enlightenment and the herder is you, the meditator. During this […]
Meditation Instruction – November 2018
Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community 48 Merchants Row, Middlebury, VT, United StatesAn introduction to those beginning a meditation practice as well as those wishing to learn more about zen and temple etiquette. Please wear comfortable clothings. Cushions, benches and chairs for meditation are provided. Stay for tea afterward! Please contact if you plan to attend. Joshin will facilitate this meditation instruction.
Meditation Instruction – December 2018
Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community 48 Merchants Row, Middlebury, VT, United StatesAn introduction to those beginning a meditation practice as well as those wishing to learn more about zen and temple etiquette. Please wear comfortable clothings. Cushions, benches and chairs for meditation are provided. Stay for tea afterward! Please contact if you plan to attend. Joshin will facilitate this meditation instruction.
Meditation Instruction – February 2019
Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community 48 Merchants Row, Middlebury, VT, United StatesAn introduction to those beginning a meditation practice as well as those wishing to learn more about zen and temple etiquette. Please wear comfortable clothings. Cushions, benches and chairs for meditation are provided. Stay for tea afterward! Please contact if you plan to attend. Joshin will facilitate this meditation instruction.
Lovingkindness Seminar
Lovingkindness or Metta is an ancient Buddhist meditation leading to the development of unconditional friendliness toward others and oneself. As a result of practicing metta we become more empathetic, more considerate, more kind, more forgiving, and in general, more loving, friendly people. Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community offers a four week seminar in the practice […]
Days of Reflection – April 13, 2019
Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community 48 Merchants Row, Middlebury, VT, United StatesMeditation Instruction – May 2019
Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community 48 Merchants Row, Middlebury, VT, United StatesAn introduction to those beginning a meditation practice as well as those wishing to learn more about zen and temple etiquette. Please wear comfortable clothings. Cushions, benches and chairs for meditation are provided. Stay for tea afterward! Please contact if you plan to attend. Joshin will facilitate this meditation instruction.
Days of Reflection – May 25, 2019
Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community 48 Merchants Row, Middlebury, VT, United StatesQi Gong at BLMZC
David ‘Rosebud’ Sparer, who has been practicing and teaching Qi Gong for decades will lead a two hour class open to beginners and experienced practitioners alike. This ancient meditative movement practice is calming, energizing, and even fun, but also helps to develop balance, and harmony of the body, mind and spirit. Please join us.