
Precepts Class – Spring 2018

The Ethical Precepts are the foundation of Zen life. The precepts are practices that remind us to always come back to our intentions to reduce harm, relieve suffering, and to live lives that encourage others and allow them to flourish. This program is free and open to anyone who would like to participate, whether you […]

Bearing Witness Study Group – February-March 2019

In honor of Zen Peacemaker Founder Bernie Glassman Roshi who died recently, Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community will dedicate our winter study group to his book, Bearing Witness: A Zen Master’s Lessons in Peacemaking.  In it Bernie offers powerful teaching stories that illustrate ways of making peace one moment at a time, no matter how difficult things […]

Precepts Study Group – Spring 2019

The Ethical Precepts are the foundation of Zen life. The precepts are practices that remind us to always come back to our intentions to reduce harm, relieve suffering, and to live lives that encourage others and allow them to flourish. This program is free and open to anyone who would like to participate, whether you […]

Infinite Circle Study Group – May-June 2019

"If we are all within the same circle, then all of this is One Body." - Bernie Glassman, Infinite Circle Continuing our study of the teaching of Bernie Glassman Roshi, founder of the Zen Peacemakers, we will read and discuss together Bernie’s book, Infinite Circle. After Instructions to the Cook and Bearing Witness, this book […]