Zazenkai, Saturday June 8, facilitated by Taido Strube
This Saturday retreat provides the opportunity to join the Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community in several periods of uninterrupted meditation in a full day of silence. We observe Noble Silence throughout the day, including meal and tea time. We engage wholeheartedly in alternating periods of sitting and walking meditation, an hour of work practice, chanting service and a dharma reflection. Meditation instruction is available at the beginning of the day.
Zazenkai is an opportunity to become more familiar with Zen meditation and to drop deeply into practice. For those unfamiliar, a glimpse of sesshin (week-long intensive meditation retreat) practice is experienced.
Please wear loose clothing that is comfortable for sitting.
A note about the practice of generosity (dana):
Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community is supported solely by financial donations. The teachings are offered freely and no one is ever required to pay. For those able to contribute, we suggest a donation of $35-$60 for this program. This amount helps to offset the costs of the meals provided and the upkeep of our temple, technology, buildings, and grounds. But any contribution amount – less or more according to your means – is always gratefully received. Your gift makes programs and practice opportunities financially accessible for all. We are deeply grateful for your generosity.. The schedule is below. Register here.
For attending in-person we have 16 spots available.
7:00–7:40 am Sitting meditation 7:40–8:00 am Chanting Service 8:00–8:30 am Breakfast (silent) 8:30–9:00 am Rest/Tea 9:00–10:00 am Work Practice 10:00–10:30 am Rest/Tea 10:30–11:00 am Sitting and walking meditation 11:00–11:40 am Dharma Reflection 11:40–11:50 pm Walking meditation 11:50–12:40 pm Sitting and walking meditation 12:40-1:00 pm Chanting Service 1:00-2:30 pm Lunch and Rest/Physical practice 2:30–3:40 pm Sitting and walking meditation 3:40–3:55 pm Tea Break 3:55–4:25 pm Sitting and walking meditation 4:25-4:30 pm Metta Chant, Four Vows and Depart