Ric So’on Dunworth

Dharma Talk by Ric So’on Dunworth

Join us for the dharma talk of Ric So’on Dunworth in person or online (on Zoom) You can email us for the Zoom link. Ric So’on Dunworth became a formal student of Joshin Sensei in 2018. Upon re-taking Jukai vows with Joshin he gave him the Dharma name “So’on” (Ancestor’s

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Precepts Reflection with So’on Ric Dunworth

Please join us for a Precepts reflection given by So’on Ric Dunworth and followed by the Precepts Recommittment Ceremony(Fusatsu). So’on is a Spirit Holder and senior practitioner with Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community. He was, for many years a Daojin (Sangha Steward) with the Zen Mountain Monastery community in Tremper,

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