

Recognizing my place in the Infinite Circle of Life, I take refuge in:

The Buddha, Oneness, the awakened nature of all beings;
The Dharma, Diversity, the ocean of wisdom and compassion; and
The Sangha, Harmony, the harmony of oneness and diversity.

The Three Pure Precepts

I vow to do no harm.
I vow to do good.
I vow to cultivate the awakened mind for the sake of all beings.

The Three Tenets

I will embody Not Knowing, thereby giving up fixed ideas.
I will Bear Witness, opening my heart to the joy and suffering of life.
I will take Healing Action arising out of not knowing and bearing witness.

The Peacemaker Precepts

  1. Recognizing that I am not separate from all that is, I vow to honor life. This is the precept of Non-Killing.
  2. Recognizing abundance, I vow to appreciate what is and live simply. This is the precept of Non-Stealing.
  3. In the midst of desire and attachment, I vow to encounter all beings with respect and dignity. This is the precept of Not Misusing Sexuality.
  4. Being honest and expressing opinions as I perceive them, I vow to speak from the heart. This is the precept of Non-Lying.
  5. Embracing all experience directly, I vow to cultivate a clear mind. This is the precept of Not Being Intoxicated.
  6. Showing up with an open heart, I vow to speak without judgment. This is the precept of Not Talking About Others’ Errors and Faults.
  7. Taking full responsibility, I vow to express my truth without guilt or blame. This is the precept of Not Elevating Myself and Blaming Others.
  8. Cultivating generosity, I vow to use all the ingredients of my life. This is the precept of Not Being Stingy.
  9. Transforming suffering into compassion, I vow to accept and express my emotions without causing harm. This is the precept of Not Holding on to Anger.
  10. Stepping into my life as a Zen Peacemaker, I vow to care for myself and others. This is the precept of Honoring the Three Treasures.

The Five Commitments of a Zen Peacemaker

Based on the Global Ethic Adopted by the 1993 Parliament of the World Religions.

  1. I commit myself to work towards a culture of non-violence and reverence for life.
  2. I commit myself to work towards a culture of solidarity and a just economic order.
  3. I commit myself to work towards a culture of inclusiveness and a life based on truthfulness.
  4. I commit myself to work towards a culture of equal rights for all people, respecting and appreciating human diversity.
  5. I commit myself to work towards a culture of sustainability and care for the earth.

The Four Great Bodhisattva Vows

Creations are numberless, I vow to free them.
Delusions are inexhaustible, I vow to transform them.
Reality is boundless, I vow to perceive it.
The awakened way is unsurpassable, I vow to embody it.