
A Song of Every Being

From a distance the world looks blue and green, and the snow capped mountains white. From a distance the ocean meets the stream, and the eagle takes to flight. From a distance, there is harmony, and it echoes through the land. It’s the voice of hope. It’s the voice of

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Ignorance Dharma Talk by Peggy Murray

The topic for this dharma talk arose as a result of a recent discussion. Some of you know that Joshin teaches a yearlong course called Infinite Circle designed to explore the personal, collective and systemic complexities of poverty. A second year is offered to those who choose further training as

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Infinite Circle – Community Engaged Buddhism

At this moment we don’t have a start date for our next Infinite Circle. As soon as we have a new start date, we will announce it in the newsletter. Please sign up for the newsletter to be aware of time that we are accepting applications.    

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Forty-nine or Fifty? Bearing Witness to Every Life Lost

June 18, 2016 In the days following the terrible mass shooting in Orlando there were vigils and protests all over the country. We were remembering the 50 people who died, as reported in the headlines of the New York Times on Sunday morning. I attended a vigil on the plaza

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A Zen approach to food and community in Rutland

Zen community serves the homeless By Shudder Hurd-Burnell Correspondent Rutland Herald A man walks into the kitchen with a loud, “Thank you, ladies!” as he hands off his plate to a woman at the sink. “Did you get enough, Dave?” she asks. “Did you get a doughnut? Do you want

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Power and Superpowers in the Lotus Sutra

I’ve been thinking about Power and Superpowers lately. It comes from studying the Lotus Sutra while I’ve been at Upaya this month leading the spring practice period. The Lotus Sutra, which is so important in our Soto Zen tradition, is a fantastical piece of spiritual literature that ranks among some

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We Vow to Realize Its True Meaning

The following is an excerpt from Joshin on the Street Retreat he did in Albuquerque. Dear Brothers and Sisters, This is just a gentle reminder to all of you to practice good self care in these days of transition out of street retreat and back into the realities of your daily

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Embrace of the Bodhisattva

To our modern ears the word “embrace” might seem a bit sentimental.  But I like that Dogen used it back in 1243 to talk about the four ways a Bodhisattva caringly engages with suffering in her midst.To embrace something means to encircle, surround, and to wrap your arms around. How

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True Belonging

Zen Master Dogen says that “Enlightenment is the intimacy of all things.” Every moment and everything is included in it. Of course, this means all the things and people that we love. Right now, I love summer in Vermont! The intimacy of all things also includes those who are out

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