Chant Book for Home Practice
The chants and prayers we use during the meditations and services are in our Chantbook for Home Practice.
The chants and prayers we use during the meditations and services are in our Chantbook for Home Practice.
In the second Dharma Talk of our Spring Practice Period, Eisho and Joshin share reflections on the practice of Loving Speech (愛語/aigo) as described in Dogen’s fascicle “Bodhisattva’s Four Methods of Guidance” (Talk 2 of 4) to learn more or sign up for the Practice Period, see below:
In the first Dharma Talk of our Spring Practice Period, Joshin and Eisho share reflections on the practice of Giving (布施/fuse) as described in Dogen’s “Bodhisattva’s Four Methods of Guidance” (Talk 1 of 4) Learn more or sign up for the Practice Period.
I listened quietly to a European news agency report from the streets on the war in the Ukraine. So many stories about how the ordinary and uncomplicated routines of taking children to school and going to work were violently disrupted. How the simple everyday joys of walking in one’s neighborhood
In this talk, Hōgen offers her reflections on the Buddha’s Four Noble Truths and how they lay out a path leading to the end of all “bummers”.
In this talk, Kendo shares her reflections on the importance of Right or Complete View in our practice. Kendo is a senior student and current resident at Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community.
In this talk, guest speaker David Chernikoff shares his reflections on the reality of aging, and invites us to view it as a process that is rich with opportunities for practice. David’s new book, “Life, Part Two” can be found at:
After listening to painful reports from the war in Ukraine, Joshin offers some reflections on the place of weeping in our practice.
Check out our weekly activity schedule.
Morning Meditation:
Everyday at 7:00 AM Eastern USA.
On Saturdays and Sundays there will be a chant at 7:40am led by one of our novice priests.
Register here for the Zoom link for all our meditation to join us online.
Meditation In Person:
Otter Creek Yoga at Marbleworks in Middlebury;
Monday-Friday at 7:00 - 7:40 AM
Sunday Dharma Reflections: Every Sunday at 8:45 AM Eastern USA.
On zoom: same zoom link as usual. Register here for the Zoom link to join us online.
In Person: Gather (48 Merchants Row, Middlebury).
Coffee Hour at 10:00 at Gather (In Person)
All are welcome, no prior experience is needed, and there is no cost. Dana is welcome.
We extend our boundless gratitude to everyone who gives to Bread Loaf Mountain to make our life possible