Daily Meditation Schedule — At the heart of our practice is meditation. We are committed to having it be accessible to all in person and online. We offer meditation every morning and six evenings a week, as well as meditation retreats throughout the year.
StreetGreens — Also at the heart of our practice is service to others. With our food truck we create friendly, welcoming, and free home-cooked community meals for people that often feel left out and left behind.
Housing at the End of Life — We dedicated our comfortable one-bedroom apartment and all utilities to people who are in need of housing at the end of life. The space has been in use full time since February 2021 and we will continue to make it available free of charge to those who need it.
The Infinite Circle — Three years ago we launched a two-year program emphasizing one of our core missions: to serve with wisdom and compassion those who struggle in the economic margins. Your support supplements gifts made by the participants who are preparing for Community Ministry.
Mindful Recovery — Weekly dharma-based recovery group in collaboration with local organizations.
Zen Peacemaker Quilts— Cozy homemade blankets for young people in the foster care system, made of cloth donated from the ten directions.
Dharma Teachings — We maintain a weekly schedule of dharma talks. In 2022 we will offer monthly half-day and full-day retreats. Guest teachers from around the country and different spiritual traditions often visit to give talks. Private practice interviews are available with Joshin and senior practitioners of Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community throughout the week.
Programs — The Householder Koan study group and A Year to Live meet every month throughout the year. Precepts classes are offering in the summer in preparation for those receiving the precepts and living by vow. In 2022 we will have weekend programs on core Zen texts, the Sandokai, Heart Sutra, and Four Vows.
Retreats — We hold practice periods throughout the year, three Bearing Witness Street Retreats in December, April, and July, and two temple-based sesshins.
StreetGreens — Also at the heart of our practice is service to others. With our food truck we create friendly, welcoming, and free home-cooked community meals for people that often feel left out and left behind.
Housing at the End of Life — We dedicated our comfortable one-bedroom apartment and all utilities to people who are in need of housing at the end of life. The space has been in use full time since February 2021 and we will continue to make it available free of charge to those who need it.
The Infinite Circle — Three years ago we launched a two-year program emphasizing one of our core missions: to serve with wisdom and compassion those who struggle in the economic margins. Your support supplements gifts made by the participants who are preparing for Community Ministry.
Mindful Recovery — Weekly dharma-based recovery group in collaboration with local organizations.
Zen Peacemaker Quilts— Cozy homemade blankets for young people in the foster care system, made of cloth donated from the ten directions.
Dharma Teachings — We maintain a weekly schedule of dharma talks. In 2022 we will offer monthly half-day and full-day retreats. Guest teachers from around the country and different spiritual traditions often visit to give talks. Private practice interviews are available with Joshin and senior practitioners of Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community throughout the week.
Programs — The Householder Koan study group and A Year to Live meet every month throughout the year. Precepts classes are offering in the summer in preparation for those receiving the precepts and living by vow. In 2022 we will have weekend programs on core Zen texts, the Sandokai, Heart Sutra, and Four Vows.
Retreats — We hold practice periods throughout the year, three Bearing Witness Street Retreats in December, April, and July, and two temple-based sesshins.

Enduring Gift Opportunities
End of Life Housing and Temple — We would like to transform our old barn into temple and retreat space, as well as create bedrooms for ongoing end-of-life and respite care for those in need of housing. This project is a significant undertaking – at least $250,000 – requiring a number of larger gifts to make it possible. If you are interested in giving to support the transformation of the barn, please be in touch directly with Joshin.

Bequests – Another way to support Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community is by remembering us in your will. Your act of generosity will leave a lasting benefit for others, helping to assure that the Zen Path of Service and Peacemaker teachings are sustained in the future. If you would like to discuss a bequest, please contact Joshin.
Warmest wishes to the sangha in the ten directions