The website is made up of public pages, including a blog and event calendar, and private pages, including course materials that are available only to people who are enrolled in the course. We use “courses” to create private sections, too, like GATHER volunteers.
We are using the website as a CRM (client relationship management) system, too. There are People pages that administrative users can view, and that store information about BLMZC members and friends. We are storing people’s registration information for courses and participation in courses so that they and we can track them.
Users/students: Anyone who wants to register for a course or event needs to make an account and log in.
Events: Events are items that appear on the calendar on one or more dates. They do not have pages of resources as courses do. An event can occur once or can be recurring. People can register for events or just come, depending on the event.
Courses: Courses require registration. Each course has a private section of the website where lessons, resources, and conversations happen.
Posts: Blog posts are web pages with timely information. They are listed on the blog landing page.
Pages (not blog posts): Regular website pages have timeless information and usually appear on a menu so that people can find them.