Ø Ø Ø ∆ The Identity of Relative and Absolute Ø
The mind of the Great Sage of India
Is intimately conveyed west and east.
Among human beings are wise ones and fools
In the Way there is no teacher of north and south.
The subtle Source is clear and bright;
The branching streams flow in the dark.
To be attached to things is primordial illusion;
To encounter the absolute is not yet enlightenment. Ø
All spheres, every sense and field
Intermingle even as they shine alone,
Interacting even as they merge,
Yet keeping their places in expressions of their own.
Forms differ primarily in shape and character
And sounds in harsh or soothing tones.
The dark makes all words one;
The brightness distinguishes good and bad phrases.
The four elements return to their true nature
As a child to its mother.
Fire is hot, water is wet,
Wind moves and the earth is dense.
Eye and form, ear and sound, nose and smell,
Tongue and taste, the sweet and sour:
Each independent of the other
Like leaves that come from the same root.
And though leaves and root must go back to the Source Both root and leaves have their own uses.
Light is also darkness, But do not move with it as darkness.
Darkness is light; Do not see it as light.
Light and darkness are not one, not two
Like the foot before and the foot behind in walking. Ø Each thing has its own being
Which is not different from its place and function. The relative fits the absolute
As a box and its lid.
The absolute meets the relative
Like two arrow points that meet in mid air. Ø
Hearing this, simply perceive the Source, Make no criterion. If you do not see the Way,
You do not see it even as you walk on it.
When you walk the Way you draw no nearer, Progress no farther.
Who fails to see this
Is mountains and rivers away. o
Listen, those who would pierce this subtle matter; o Do not waste your time by night or day! ∆
Buddha nature pervades the whole Universe, existing right here, now. In reciting The Identity of Relative and Absolute, we dedicate its merits to our Ancestor’s Lineage of:
- ∆ Prajna Paramita Honored One
- ∆ Vipasyn Buddha Honored One
- ∆ Shikhn Buddha Honored One
- ∆ Visvashu Buddha Honored One
- ∆ Krakucchanda Buddha Honored One
- ∆ Kanakamuni Buddha Honored One
- ∆ Kasyapa Buddha Honored One
- ∆ Shakyamuni ∆ Buddha Honored One
- Mahakashyapa Honored One
- Ananda Honored One
- Shanavasa Honored One
- Upagupta Honored One
- Dhritaka Honored One
- Michaka Honored One
- Vasumitra Honored One
- Buddhanandi Honored One
- Buddhamitra Honored One
- Parshva Honored One
- Punyashas Honored One
- Ashvaghosa Honored One
- Kapimala Honored One
- Nagarjuna Honored One
- Aryadeva Honored One
- Rahulata Honored One
- Sanghanandi Honored One
- Gayashata Honored One
- Kumorata Honored One
- Jayata Honored One
- Vasubandhu Honored One
- Manorhita Honored One
- Haklenayashas Honored One
- Aryasimha Honored One
- Basiasita Honored One
- Punyamitra Honored One
- Prajñatara Honored One Ø
- Bodhidharma Honored One
- T’ai-tsu Hui-k’o Honored One (T’ai tsu Hway k_)
- Chien-chih Seng-ts’an Honored One (Jien Jer Sung Tsan)
- Ta-man Hung-jen Honored One (Da man Hung-run)
- Ta-chien Hui-neng Honored One (Da jien Hway nung)
- Ch’ing-yuan Hsing-su Honored One (Chin yuan Shinsuh)
- Shih-t’ou Hsi-ch’ien Honored One (Sher to Shi chien)
- Yao-shan Wei-yen Honored One (Yow shan Way yen)
- Yun-yen T’an-sheng Honored One (Yun yen Tan shung)
- Tung-shan Liang-chieh Honored One (Dung shan Li-ang ji-e)
- Yun-Chu Tao-ying Honored One (Yun ju Dow ying)
- T’ung-an Tao-p’i Honored One (Tung an Dowpeh)
- T’ung-an Kuan-chih Honored One (Tung an Guan jer)
- Liang-shan Yuan-kuan Honored One (Li-ang shan Yu-an guan)
- Ta-yang Ching-hsuan Honored One (Da yang Jing shu-an)
- T’ou-tzu I-ch’ing Honored One (To tz_ I-ching)
- Fu-jung Tao-k’ai Honored One (Fu wrung Dow kai)
- Tan-hsia Tzu-ch’un Honored One (Dan shia tzuh chun)
- Chen-hsieh Ch’ing-liao Honored One (Jun shi-e Ching li-ow)
- T’ien-t’ung Tsun-chueh Honored One (Tein tung San ju-e)
- Cho-an Chih-chien Honored One (J_-an Jer jien)
- T’ien-t’ung Ju-ching Honored One (Tien tung Ru-jing) Ø
- Eihei Dogen Honored One
- Koun Ejo Honored One
- Tetsu Gikai Honored One
- Keizan Jokin Honored One
- Gasan Joseki Honored One
- Taigen Soshin Honored One
- Baizan Monpon Honored One
- Nyochu Tengin Honored One
- Kisan Shosan Honored One
- Morin Shihan Honored One
- Shoshi Sotai Honored One
- Kenchu Hantetsu Honored One
- Daiju Soko Honored One
- Kinpo Jusen Honored One
- Kajin Sochin Honored One
- Tetsuei Seiton Honored One
- Shukoku Choton Honored One
- Ketsuzan Tetsuei Honored One
- Hoshi Soon Honored One
- Goho Kainon Honored One
- Tenkei Denson Honored One
- Shozan Monko Honored One
- Niken Sekiryo Honored One
- Reitan Roryu Honored One
- Kakujo Tosai Honored One
- Kakuan Ryogu Honored One
- Ryoka Daibai Honored One
- Ungan Guhaku Honored One
- Baian Hakujun Honored One
- Taizan Maezumi Honored One
- Bernie ∆ Tetsugen Honored One
May we realize our Awakened Nature and show our gratitude by accomplishing the Buddha Way together.
MAHA °° PRAJNA °°° PARAMITA ° ° ° ° ° °
(ringdown) ° Bow
° Bow
° ° Bow