Brian Joshin Byrnes

Dharma Talk by Joshin Brian Byrnes

Please join us this evening in person (in the Zendo) or online for a brief period of sitting meditation followed by the Dharma Talk in the Cornwall house given by the guiding teacher of Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community, Sensei Joshin Brian Byrnes. All are welcome. There is no charge

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Dharma Talk: Second Annual Fireside Chat with Joshin

January 3, 5:30pm. Dharma Talk: Second Annual Fireside Chat with Joshin. All friends and members are invited to bring questions, reflections, and requests. Joshin will give an update on the general health and wellbeing of Bread Loaf Mountain Zen, review 2023 and talk about some new developments for 2024. This

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Dharma Talk with Joshin Byrnes

On Wednesday May 10, Joshin will give an in-person dharma talk at Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Center as part of the Spring Practice Period | Cooking Your Life. Please join us at Bread Loaf Mountain or on Zoom. The dharma talk starts at 5:30pm. Please email us if you need

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Dharma Talk with Joshin Byrnes

On Wednesday June 28, Joshin will give an in-person dharma talk at Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Center. Please join us at Bread Loaf Mountain or on Zoom. The dharma talk starts at 5:30pm. Please email us if you need the zoom link (the link is the same for all public

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Dharma Talk by Joshin Byrnes

Wednesday December 28, Joshin will give an in-person dharma talk at Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Center. Please join us at Bread Loaf Mountain or on Zoom. The dharma talk starts at 5:30pm. Please email Petra for the zoom link. Brian Joshin Byrnes is a Zen priest and teacher in the

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Dharma Talk by Kathryn Schloff and Joshin Byrnes

On Wednesday November 9 we will introduce our Adopt a Peacemaker Quilt project with Kathryn Schloff and Joshin Byrnes. The dharma talk starts at 5:30pm Eastern Time. You can join in-person when fully vaccinated and symptom free. Or you can join online. Email Petra for the zoom link Kathryn Schloff

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Dharma Talk with Sensei Shinzan Palma and Sensei Joshin Byrnes

Wednesday May 29 Sensei Shinzan Palma and Sensei Joshin Byrnes will give a Dharma Talk. Sensei José Shinzan Palma Sensei Shinzan was born in Veracruz, Mexico, He is an ordained Zen priest and Dharma successor of Joan Jiko Halifax, roshi. In 1996 in Mexico City, he met Korean Zen teacher, Ven. Samu

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Dharma talk: Joshin Byrnes and Petra Zenryū Hubbeling

On Thursday October 4, Joshin and his friend, novice priest Petra Zenryū Hubbeling will give the dharma talk. The dharma talk starts at 6:00pm. We start with 15 minutes of meditation. After the dharma talk you’re welcome to stay for a potluck dinner and live music! Joshin Byrnes is the

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Dharma Talk and Discussion – Easter 2018

Join Joshin and the Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community for a public Dharma talk on Wednesday evening. Dharma Talks begin with 15 minutes of silent mediation, then Joshin will speak on a topic for about 30-45 minutes. Community questions and insights follow. After we end, tea and snacks are available.

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