
We Vow to Realize Its True Meaning

The following is an excerpt from Joshin on the Street Retreat he did in Albuquerque. Dear Brothers and Sisters, This is just a gentle reminder to all of you to practice good self care in these days of transition out of street retreat and back into the realities of your daily

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Embrace of the Bodhisattva

To our modern ears the word “embrace” might seem a bit sentimental.  But I like that Dogen used it back in 1243 to talk about the four ways a Bodhisattva caringly engages with suffering in her midst.To embrace something means to encircle, surround, and to wrap your arms around. How

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True Belonging

Zen Master Dogen says that “Enlightenment is the intimacy of all things.” Every moment and everything is included in it. Of course, this means all the things and people that we love. Right now, I love summer in Vermont! The intimacy of all things also includes those who are out

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Just Paint Spring

“When you paint Spring, do not paint willows, plums, peaches, or apricots – just paint Spring.” ― Dōgen The giant and ancient willow and dozens of wise old apple trees that bear witness to our practice here at Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community are bursting open with life. Taking it all in with a single

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Mountain Peak. At the Height of Winter. Lucid Serenity.

Soen Nakagawa, winter 1957 Dear Sangha, I write with the hope that you are enjoying the height of winter with what Soen calls in his haiku, “lucid serenity.” I’ve been enjoying reading his extraordinary works recently, which influenced so may western socially engaged Zen practitioners, including many in our own lineage. He

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Midwinter Gatherings

Dear Sangha, I returned to Santa Fe and Upaya Zen Center to ring in the New Year still glowing after our December 27th dedication and precepts ceremony at Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community. To end 2017 with such a hopeful event brought so much light to the shortest days and energized the slide

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Moving Ahead!

“Miracles are nothing more than fetching water and carrying firewood.” Zen Master Dogen goes on to say that, “Even when people do not know that fetching water is a miracle, fetching water is undeniably a miracle.” Getting to this point in the purchasing of Bread Loaf Mountain Monastery and Zen

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One Step. One Breath.

Dear Beloved Sangha! This simple instruction for walking meditation has been my constant mantra since Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community started to consider purchasing a home for our practice. It has come in handy in the past two weeks especially, as a very active team of friends and sangha members have been navigating the winding way through the

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